PS5 Pro Unlikely to Deliver 4K 60FPS for GTA 6 at Launch

PS5 Pro Unlikely to Deliver 4K 60FPS for GTA 6

The gaming community has been buzzing with excitement over the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) and the PlayStation 5 Pro. As one of the most anticipated games of the decade, GTA 6 promises to push the boundaries of open-world gameplay, while the PS5 Pro boasts upgraded hardware designed to enhance the gaming experience. Naturally, fans have been eager to see if the combination of these two could deliver an immersive 4K 60FPS experience. However, recent expert analysis suggests this might not be the case.

PS5 Pro’s Hardware: The CPU Bottleneck

At first glance, it seems the PlayStation 5 Pro would be more than capable of delivering a 4K 60FPS experience for a title like GTA 6. The console, set to release on November 7th, is priced at $700 and is marketed as a mid-generation upgrade to the existing PS5. While it comes with significant improvements in graphical output, the core issue lies deeper—within the CPU.

Richard Leadbetter, technology editor at Digital Foundry, was blunt in his assessment when asked if the PS5 Pro could realistically handle 60 frames per second for GTA 6. His response was clear: “No.” While the PlayStation 5 Pro includes enhancements in several areas, it uses the same CPU as the original PS5, and this is where the problem arises.

“GTA games have always run complex simulations that push the CPU hard,” Leadbetter explained. The open-world nature of GTA involves massive CPU workloads, from pedestrian behavior to traffic systems, to physics calculations. In GTA 6, players can expect one of the most lifelike depictions of city life, which will heavily tax the CPU. Every street and every NPC action is simulated in real-time, which limits the console’s ability to prioritize frame rate over these intricate details.

What About 4K Graphics?

Although the PlayStation 5 Pro may struggle to hit the coveted 60 FPS mark, there’s still good news for those hoping for visual enhancements. Leadbetter noted that the PS5 Pro will deliver higher-quality visuals, such as better textures, improved lighting, and more detailed environments, which will make the game look stunning on high-resolution displays. However, this won’t necessarily translate to smoother gameplay at a higher frame rate.

The original GTA 6 trailer, released in late 2022, showed incredible graphical detail, and Leadbetter suggests that what we saw in the trailer is achievable on the base PS5, let alone the PS5 Pro. Still, if Rockstar Games is targeting 30 FPS on the standard PS5, the Pro model will likely not exceed that frame rate, despite the visual improvements.

Complex Simulation Workloads in GTA 6

The key issue stems from the way Rockstar designs its Grand Theft Auto games. GTA 6 promises an incredibly immersive and detailed world, but all of this detail comes with a price. Rockstar’s open-world design is known for its dense environments filled with non-playable characters (NPCs), cars, dynamic weather systems, and fully simulated ecosystems that bring the world to life. The CPU is responsible for handling these complex processes, and that puts a cap on the game’s frame rates.

Leadbetter emphasized that Rockstar’s games historically target 30 FPS, and even then, it’s not always a stable 30. Previous titles like GTA 4, GTA 5, and Red Dead Redemption 2 targeted 30 FPS on platforms like the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Xbox, but they struggled to maintain it consistently. Given this history, it’s unlikely that GTA 6 will run at 60 FPS on the PlayStation 5 Pro without significant sacrifices in graphical fidelity or world simulation.

Benefits of the PS5 Pro for GTA 6

Despite these limitations, the PlayStation 5 Pro will still provide benefits for GTA 6 players. The new console includes several upgrades that will improve the overall experience, even if it can’t deliver the 60 FPS many were hoping for:

  1. Improved Visuals: Higher-resolution textures, better lighting effects, and enhanced details will make GTA 6 look better on the Pro compared to the base PS5.
  2. More Stable Frame Rates: While 60 FPS may be out of reach, the PS5 Pro’s slight boost in CPU clock speed (around 10%) could help deliver more stable performance at 30 FPS, especially during scenes with heavy action or complex simulations.
  3. Faster Load Times: Thanks to its hardware enhancements, the PS5 Pro will likely reduce loading times for large, open-world games like GTA 6. This means less waiting and more time exploring Vice City.

Even if it can’t reach 60 FPS, the PS5 Pro will still be the best console to play GTA 6 on, especially at launch. Rockstar’s games traditionally launch first on consoles, with the PC versions coming months or even years later, as was the case with GTA 5. If you want to experience GTA 6 on day one, the PlayStation 5 Pro will likely be the most powerful console to do so.

Should You Build a PC Instead?

In light of the $700 price tag, some gamers may wonder if it’s worth investing in a gaming PC instead. Building a high-end PC capable of running GTA 6 at 4K and 60 FPS is a tempting option, but experts suggest that it’s not necessarily the best route—at least not for GTA 6 at launch.

Leadbetter explained that building a 4K, high-frame-rate PC would be significantly more expensive than the PS5 Pro. Moreover, PC players may have to wait months or even longer to play GTA 6, as Rockstar typically releases its games on consoles first. Therefore, if your goal is to experience GTA 6 as soon as possible and with the best performance, the PS5 Pro might still be your best option.

For more insights on the PlayStation 5 Pro and its capabilities, check out the full breakdown on IGN’s PlayStation 5 Pro Review.

Is 4K 60FPS Possible for GTA 6 on PS5 Pro?

While 4K 60FPS may not be possible for GTA 6 on the PS5 Pro, fans can still look forward to enhanced visuals, faster load times, and improved stability. The Pro model may not revolutionize the way GTA 6 is played, but it will undoubtedly deliver the best console experience at launch, especially when compared to other platforms. For those eager to dive into Vice City and explore all that Rockstar has created, the PlayStation 5 Pro remains the most powerful option on day one.

With the PlayStation 5 Pro arriving on November 7th and GTA 6 expected to push the limits of next-gen hardware, fans still have plenty to look forward to, even if it won’t be the 60FPS dream many were hoping for.

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